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Эксклюзивные шоу-программы
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1. The Ballet «GVALT!» consists of 9 performing artists (7 girls, 2 boys) and concert director. 2. Currently, the Ballet «GVALT!» offers 2 performances: Soviet show «Back in the USSR» and «One night on Broadway». 3. Each program consists of 10 choreographic compositions with an average performance time of 45 minutes (non-stop). All the choreographic compositions have a common idea and direction and are connected in a single show between itself. In also time you have possibility to choose separately taken choreographic compositions depending on the subject of your event. Soviet show «Back in the USSR». Unique exclusive show-program which doesn’t have analogues in the whole world! For creation of this program were used sound tracks from the popular movies of soviet period. This show will help you to get into soviet time in new ironical interpretation. Broadway show «One night on Broadway»


1. The Ballet «GVALT!» consists of 9 performing artists (7 girls, 2 boys) and concert director. 2. Currently, the Ballet «GVALT!» offers 2 performances: Soviet show «Back in the USSR» and «One night on Broadway». 3. Each program consists of 10 choreographic compositions with an average performance time of 45 minutes (non-stop). All the choreographic compositions have a common idea and direction and are connected in a single show between itself. In also time you have possibility to choose separately taken choreographic compositions depending on the subject of your event. Soviet show «Back in the USSR». Unique exclusive show-program which doesn’t have analogues in the whole world! For creation of this program were used sound tracks from the popular movies of soviet period. This show will help you to get into soviet time in new ironical interpretation. Broadway show «One night on Broadway»

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Anatoliy Tsyrkun
106, Krasnoarmeyskaya str.
Киев, Украина
Тел.: +38 (067) 769-86-58
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Поиск по городу
Алматы, Астрахань, Воронеж, Днепропетровск, Донецк, Екатеринбург, Ижевск, Кемерово, Киев, Краснодар, Москва, Нижний Новгород, Новосибирск, Пермь, Ростов-на-Дону, Самара, Санкт-Петербург, Симферополь, Тула, Уфа, Хмельницкий, Челябинск

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